Back in 2000 Jack thought it was be pretty cool to let Mars know of Mac Meda. So, not knowing all the details of how he or others did it, Mac Meda joined the mission of exploration and discovery. A compact disc bearing Mac Meda Destruction Co was included on the next Mars Exploration Rover-2003 that would search for geologic evidence for water. Because once you find water ... … [Read more...] about Mac Meda Goes to Mars The Second Time
Gargle and EMB Padre Game Bus Trips – CKs Bar
[kml_flashembed publishmethod="static" fversion="8.0.0" movie="" width="400" height="300" targetclass="flashmovie"] [/kml_flashembed] In the early 1970s, CKs bar in Pacific Beach continued with the infamous Gargle (My Balls) and EMB (Eat My Butt) bus trips to the San Diego Padre Games at San Diego Qualcomm Stadium. As noted … [Read more...] about Gargle and EMB Padre Game Bus Trips – CKs Bar
Radio Interview – Jack MacPherson – Ultimate Beer Buddy
Mac Meda editors note: This is a strange interview - in fact we got a few emails and calls on it ... now really, how could 10,000 people show up at the West End? November 30, 2006 - This a Mac Meda radio interview by Luke Burbank, titled: Jack MacPherson, the Ultimate Beer Buddy - a Southern Californian surfer who became famous for organizing "beer orgies," recently died … [Read more...] about Radio Interview – Jack MacPherson – Ultimate Beer Buddy
Seal Bombs – Was It The Start Of Destruction?
When Kip Ives (known to his friends as Pinky) started hanging out in the Kearney Mesa Butcher Shop, he meant Joe “Smoothie” De Silva. Smoothie was a fishing legend and icon in the Portuguese community and the owner of one of the top fishing seiners that fished out of Samoa. With the common interest of fishing, drinking and pretty women, they both became very good friends, so … [Read more...] about Seal Bombs – Was It The Start Of Destruction?
Bastardization of Portuguese Merda, Became Meda
Bob Rakestraw's first real job was on a Scripps Research vessel. His adopted parents had already seen an alcohol problem developing, so, since drinking was forbidden on these ships it seems the logical thing to do. The "dry out theory" so to say. However, the experience did give him the opportunity to seek other means, something that had more excitement and adventurous … [Read more...] about Bastardization of Portuguese Merda, Became Meda
Mac Meda Mexico Convention – Kegs, Drunks and Federales
Sometime in late 1966 another Mac Meda Convention, had to happen ... and it had to be the best one to date ... but where could you go without the hassle of the cops? "Well, there is this funky and small bar and restaurant called Concheria at Lecerito or Cerito beach," someone mentioned. "Lecerito, Cerito Beach ... where the hell is that?" Oh about 20-30 miles south … [Read more...] about Mac Meda Mexico Convention – Kegs, Drunks and Federales
Conventions – Keg Party – Drunken Beer Orgies and Wild Women
A Los Angeles Times reporter once wrote, “ ... drunken beer orgies and wild women” when referring to a Mac Meda Convention. No doubt, Mac Meda perfected the keg party, if not invented it. And the greatest technical advancement to the keg party was the invention of the plastic trash can. Lightweight, somewhat strong, could hold a keg perfect and most important; it provided … [Read more...] about Conventions – Keg Party – Drunken Beer Orgies and Wild Women
The Red Mountain Inn – La Jolla’s Bird Rock Debauchery Bar
If there was a bar designed for debauchery, the infamous Dave Osborn’s Red Mountain Inn would literally win face down. It was named after the screw-top, rot-gut wine, Red Mountain, which was a must if you wanted to get drunk and had little money, because it was $1.50 for a gallon. With that said, it seemed logical that the Red Mountain Inn became Mac Meda Destruction Co. … [Read more...] about The Red Mountain Inn – La Jolla’s Bird Rock Debauchery Bar