Welcome to Mac Meda Destruction Company Official Website.
Please feel free to tell your stories the way it was – if not we will have to address the issue in typical Mac Meda BS and you will be hung by your balls and/or tits until you scream Mac Medaaaaa!
Now if you want to add a picture and/or tell a story the process is painless.
You must have these tiny bit of computer skills.
- Know what letters and numbers are –
- Know what a keyboard is, and no, not one on a piano –
- Have an email address and know how to use it –
- Be able read and write. Don’t worry about the spelling part, we have a spell check –
Yes, I know the reading and writing part is hard for some. Now if you can do all the above, the rest is as simple as opening a can of beer.
First, go to the bottom right side of any page and look where it says, MAC MEDA USERS.
Second, click on the word, Register (that word below MAC MEDA USERS) and it will open up a new page. Fill the info in and click on submit.
Third, go to your email and a email will have come with a decrypted password. Copy the password, and go back to the website to the MAC MEDA USERS and look for another word, called, LOGIN. Click on that and enter the info.
Now if you did it right, SUDDENLY, you will be taken to your Personal Blogging Page. YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR Password in here. Now this is where you can write, edit or delete your story, picture, etc. and yes, you then enter the world of blogging!
IMPORTANT: If you plan to upload/share pictures MAKE SURE that the picture has been formatted correctly, meaning, make sure the picture is NO wider then 600px and not that wall size poster. We do have a cap on file size, so not to crash the system.
If you do upload pictures make sure that you name the people in it, a little story about it and blab blab blab…
Please DO NOT send something without a bit of history with it … We do not want a picture of your pet frog, unless the frog has got a Mac Meda stenciled on its back.
Once you have done this, our Mac Meda admin will approve the Blog – so your post will show anywhere from a few seconds to a few days … it all depends when they get back from fishing in Costa Rica, getting sun in Mexico or getting drunk at the West End or having a few tacos at the El Ranchero…
If you want to contact us, go to our contact page
What the fricken hell …. go for it and keep the spirit of Mac Meda alive and well …
Glad to see you’re back in business! I was very concerned.