It was 4am at the infamous Sip n Surf bar in La Jolla’s Bird Rock.
And of all things, Dean Burriston … cough, cough … was in charge :-). Yeah, in charge of what? Well Sandy, the owner at the time, gave him the responsibility to watch the bank …
They broke all the chairs, all the stools, all the tables, and all the potted hanging plants. They even turned the cigarette machine upside down.
Unfortunately, the machine shorted out and it started to spit out cigarettes and the next thing they knew money-hence reason people are holding up cigs for a group photo. Oh my … such delinquents!
Dean said, “You guys are fucking crazy,” and got the hell out just at sunrise and returned the next morning. His jaw dropped to the floor of what looked like a bomb (maybe a mushroom cloud?) went off in the place.
Jack was so proud – later on said, “I have taught all my children well,” adding, “I feel like a proud father … ”
Oh yes, almost forgot, with massive hangovers they all came back, paid for all the damage and cleaned the place up.
Posted by Brian Munoz
Me too of 53 years.
Do know the address on LJ BLVD?
Great place to hangout. Met my one and only of 53 years at the Sip and Surf.
What was real fun was night fishing in the pool at the del Charro.
Rember when the ‘Sip’ had no tables or chairs? You sat on the floor covered with beach sand.
I have the photo that hung on the back bar in 1965 that had been taken several type earlier of the Sip ‘n Surf. I met my wife of 54 years now there on Memorial Day weekend 1965. I still have my tee shirt from the Western Regional Surfing Championship at PB that weekend.
Me too of 53 years.
Sure do Bill. We had great times back in the 1960’s.
Hope you are well
And where’s J Poole? J Poole was the greatest…a yacht saleswoman who had a dog that wore sunglasses…
Yeah, that’s Dean. What times we had. Jeff Hines(RIP) was a ton of fun! Anton, where are you these days?
Karen Bouffard / I couldn’t be more proud. You have a Passion and your own way of eesxrspion, you are an original soul. The past is what teaches us how to move forward and I thank god that you pulled the positive from that hell hole you had to call home. We love you and support you unconditionally. Lots of love Mom
Whoever it is, don’t you miss Jeff Hinds? What a great guy.
That’s not Jeff Hines it’s Dean Cromwell
Isn’t that Jeff Hinds on the left hand corner?
Isn’t that Eber behind Dean?
lets not go through this again 🙁