We all know famous addresses, the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and Sherlock Homes, 221b Baker St, but for the La Jolla beach-goers crowd, 4811 Neptune, otherwise known as WindanSea’s “The Wall,” was thee spot to hangout at. Not all could share its space. Only the coolest of the cool hung out there …
Unlike WindanSea Shack (where it was the spot for surfers) The Wall was the local status symbol and was perceived the prime location to hang and extremely visible to those driving by. It was common to have traffic jams as friends driving pass would stop and shoot the shit for 10,15 or even 30 minutes, or until a cop was spotted. Those tourists driving the beach and caught in a Wall Jam, usually found themselves yelled and cursed at if they even touched the horn.
The Wall was an external denotation of one’s social position of WindanSea. However, unlike other economic or social status symbols of the elite and famous, it sported a variety of characters, surfers, bums, drinkers, jocks, drivers, suits, and just anyone who was “bitchen” enough to share space. The common bond on the Wall was drinking.
Due to it facing WindanSea Beach and when the noon time sun hit, it was also the place to get a good baking, resulting in deepening the tans. Skin Cancer was unknown back then. It would get hot enough to fry a egg on the sidewall on just about any summer day.
Coolers mingled between the people … lawn chairs were used for a long stay. Red Mountain and Spanada wine coolers were a common drink. Coors Beer was drank the most and every once in a while a pony keg helped keep the social status hydrated.
The wall was where Jon Sarrett’s mom lived and with that said, it become the hang out of Jon’s friends at first and as time marched on, each year it had a new array of people.
Meda Editor Note: The photos of the wall keep coming in, so check back often. Photos from Doug Moranvilla, Brian Munoz, Sue Olney, Eber and whomever else.
As a Grom we would all hang at the shack & wall b4 & after a sesh. Very chill seeing all these old school #Legends hanging at the wall! Cheeeeeeee!!
Gotta dig out some old photos of the wall I have in a shoe box. Also contact my sister…she has da photos…….
The girl to the left of Lindy is Mary Hall. The girl sitting down RIP
John, I believe I’m your cousin ?? My grandmother Thelma is your mom’s sister… Let me know if this this the right john k weldon brother of Ann nephew of Thelma and first cousin of Patty
Terry, I’m on FB
How have you been? I’m on FB look me up let’s reconnect
Mark, Mat surfing is “Smile on the Face” fun!!! In Feb. I lost my mat in big surf at La Jolla Cove. The waves took it into the caves never to be seen again. I bought another one right away. I ride North Bird, WindanSea on big days and Horseshoe. I still bodysurf Boomer regularly.
Dennis- That picture of Matty Welsh is classic-I am in complete agreement, regarding the absolute pleasure of mat surfing with fins at Wind an Sea, Boomers, Bird Rock, La Jolla Shores and Blacks. That was always a lot of fun. The larger the waves the faster you could blast in your way back to the shoreline. No worries of being injured by a good old air tight surf mat, either. You could also surf standing on your knees going down the face of a wave -which was an awesome feeling. I still sometimes use a mat and surf fins out at Hook, Pleasure Point and Steamers Lane here in Santa Cruz now, but with a wetsuit. I really do miss La Jolla and I think its about time I returned home after 15 years up here in Santa Cruz County. What do you think? I bet the waves are a lot more crowded in LaJolla, these days. Correct? La Jolla Viking Class of 1968 – Mark D. Lee
ps: Just heard from Richard Krug in Costa Rica. He wants me to come down and visit him and the awesome waves of southwestern Costa Rica. Iam thinking of going. He was a regular MacMeda Destruction Company surfing(and drinking)member at one time. I also ran into Jeff Mowrey in La Jolla two years ago at the LJHS reunion. He lives up this way in San Luis Obispo County,
“I got a ticket from a San Diego policeman for sitting in front of my own house at the wall. He asked for my address and I said 6811 Neptune, but he didn’t believe me. The news made the La Jolla Light and the ticket was dismissed.”
You’re not alone, Jon. My step brother (Bill Sunkel) got a speeding ticket on Calle de la Plata in the Shores from Leon “Tiptoes” Tipton. On his skateboard.
John K., the guy who introduced me to Howlin’ Wolf and Sonny Terry . . . great to see you.
Wow! Where did you get these photos? It really suprises me because I was so anti-photo.
High spirits and good health to all.
John K
You were talking to Leonard Andersen on the beach that day Dec 6,1964 ? He was my
cousin… I will never forget that day either.
The photo of Matty Welsch shows a pair of fins and a surf mat next to him. I remember riding big waves on a surf mat at Windansea. I just recently bought a new custom surf mat call a 4th Gear Flyer. Mat surfing is just pure fun ! Matty would agree?
yeah thats Giz…
The “unknown” girl standing next to Bill in the third (B&W) Wall photo is Jan Bresnahan. Thank you to whoever assembled this site and provided those of us who lived it a great trip down memory lane. It was a very special time and place without equal since.
Steve Wyer, Giz?, Cambell and Dino. Nice!
I got a ticket from a San Diego policeman for sitting in front of my own house at the wall. He asked for my address and I said 6811 Neptune, but he didn’t beleieve me. The news made the La Jolla Light and the ticket was dismissed.
It is amazing how many hours we spent at the wall. Didn’t any of us work back then???? I remember growing up and I couldn’t wait to be old enough to hang out at “The Wall” with Dino and the crew. Boy those were good times. When I lived in the alley on Westbourne the crew at the wall would stagger up to my place to continue the drinking etc. at my place. Good times……..
One of those girls Jackie Haddad?