Dave Osborn comment on the Brown Derby post was correct. Jack Macpherson was one of the first people to start collecting beer cans. Frankly I believe he idolized his favorite organization, the Brewery Collectibles Club of America (BCCA).
With the early 1935 introduction of the first U.S. beer can by the Krueger Brewing Co., that was generally available to the public, there were a number of persons who had fun collecting the “new” beer cans with often colorful labels printed on the metal container rather than having an attached paper label.
When Jack died, I believe (and please correct me) that Dave Osborn and a couple of cool people went to Jacks house and got Jack’s collection, which to this day is very extensive. It was pretty clear that there were many who wanted the collection.
And now is in a safe location. Sorry, us editors will keep our keyboard clean on this secret that is guarded as well as the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa’s body.
The BCCA is a non-profit Organization for those individuals who collect beer cans, breweriana or who just have an interest in beer, brewing and/or brewery history.
Jack and other Meda beer can experts used to go to BCCA annual conventions where some were held in La Vegas … a bitchen road trip to see what heaven was really made of.

First memories being dragged to McPherson’s place top of Girard by my parents and “napping” with my little brother while they raged and partied. 4 year old brain befuddled by the cans on the wall but mesmerized by the Hamm’s beer electric sign.
1. The first time I went to Jack’s house (his ‘Zoo”, he called it), I was stunned. All I could say was, “This house is a tribute to alcohol,”.
2. His most valuable can was an orange can of ‘Soul’ beer…valued at $500.00. Made for 2 weeks, during the 1965 Watts Riots.
3. Scratch had sent him 1950s Primo cans from Hawaii.
4. Many of his 1920 and 1930 conetops, were obtained during old building demolitions…workers would drink beer as they worked and dropped the empties in the walls.
5. Another San Diego collector was Wally Gilbert, in Escondido…who had a whole basement devoted to his collection.
6. Collection took 2nd prize at the Del Mar Fair.
7. Dave Osborn built the shelves.
8. Interspersed in the collection were ALWAYS John’s 2nd grade picture. Later, Johnny and Shane’s school pictures. An unbelievably gory photo of a mangled leg from his father’s medical scrapbook (his father was a surgeon and had a unique album). A photo of a model plane built by Mike Wilson (little brother of his Girard Street best girl, Marilyn Wilson)…the plane was so good, it was in the lobby of Miramar. And a photo of Jack and 2 other 15 year olds at an air strip in Palm Springs in 1952…they had actually flown a plane to Palm Springs…at 15!
9. Jack loved a good practical joke. And he would wait…however long it took…to pull it off to best advantage. For years, he planned this one: Postal coworker, Doug Randall, had 2 daughters…Lauren and Darius. Doug, for being the OMBAC life of the party…was one overprotective Dad. Jack waited for the girls to grow up. At an OMBAC bicycle ride, he pulled one of the girls aside…and said, “Tell your dad this…”
“Daddy, I’ve just met the most wonderful man. He lives in La Jolla and invited me over to see his beer can collection…”.
10. Suzie Q. When his La Jolla Hermosa landlady, Juanita Messick, passed away in 1986, her sister Ruth sold the house to a young builder who lived across the street–Scott Wright. Scott moved in and totally redid the house. It went from being an after-the-war cottage, to the showstopper he and his then wife, Sharon, created. It was gorgeous!
Scott and Sharon let Jack stay on…no rent increase…no nothing…and totally remodeled the Zoo. Scott was such a great dad, one year he installed a skateboard ramp for Eric and a 2 story dollhouse for his daughter, Suzan.
I stayed there during the fall 1989. It was Christmas season. There was a little knock on the door. It was Suzie Q, all of 5 years old, already a hot blonde in Bird Rock Elementary Kindergarden. She used to just visit…sit in his rocking chair and talk over life.
I remember 2 things from this kid.
1. She was rocking away and happened to look at the wall heater…her little eyes narrowed, and she said, “Wait a minute. How’s Santa going to fit down that?”
2. Jack had placed a can of Popeye Spinach in with the beer can collection. She was checking out the beer cans…going from row to row…and upon seeing the Popeye can, said “What’s that doing there?”
Smart. Smart kid. Suzie Q.