As Red Mountain Inn owner, David Osborn said in a comment, “Mac Meda’s conventions had to move around a bit. The cops were always looking to bust the next one.” Besides, Browns Ranch, WindanSea and Sea Lane, there was the coolest of all coolest places to have a Convention. This editor knew it as the Adobe House or Farm in Carmel Valley.
The Convention was held at abandon farm house made out of adobe block that was built some time in the late 1800 or early 1900s. The roof was built of heavy timber and doors of cedar siding. If the place still stood today, it would have been declared a Historical Building, but Mac Meda Destruction Company, living up to it reputation, took care of that.
To get there one had to go out Miramar Rd, to the old Black Mountain Road, which was a two land dirt at the time. About 10 miles later one would cross a scream that was protected by a concrete swale … then turn west on a rutted single lane dirt road that followed Willow and Eucalyptus trees.

The stream filled with Bluegill and small bass ran between the trees. Rabbit and Quail scrambled out of the way as the first vehicle paved the way. Sometimes shots would ring out as some took guns to use on anything that moved. About five miles later, one would find the Adobe House, nested between the trees that provide some good shade on those hot days.
It was a great spot to get totally wasted. The stream provided a nice swimming hole for those that wanted to sober up and/or clear up the sweat of alcohol.
Kegs of beers and/or cases of Colt-45 were pulled out of pickups and bottles were used as drinking containers. Kegs popped drenched those around eagerly waiting for the first round, due to them being shaken on the bumpy road. But who cared?
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”http://macmedadestruction.com/banners/adobe-house.swf” width=”400″ height=”300″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]
Someone always brought a few 6 volt batteries and the 8 track tapes of Steppenwolf, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones, Paul Revere and more 60ish music blasted the tiny canyon on JVC speakers. As the day ended in drunken slumber, the sunset was an awesome sight to see as it drifted down below the canyon walls. But then, who cared about the sunset, it was time to try and find your way home – which as many knew, a feat all by itself.
The Adobe House Convention was considered … way out in the Sticks.
At one of the Conventions, things got out of hand, rumor has it that Rakestraw brought out an anti-tank gun and started shelling the house, blowing out huge sections of wall at one time. Jack and a few buddies toasted and cheered each shot.
At another Convention, a 4-wheel drive Dodge pickup truck (that should give the info of whose truck it was) wrapped chain around the walls and Steppenwolf’s, “Born to Be Wild” echoed as the walls came tumbling down.
Special thanks to Jon Sarrett who had a beat up photo album with these photos and many more in them, whic will soon be publishe . Alright Searat!
Judas, I never thought I’d hear of MacMeda again. It was a thing among Olde Pharts like me, 45 years ago. I last heard of it when I read Tom Wolfe’s book, The Pump House Gang and I didn’t get to that till the book had been out for about 25 years.
I sure saw some familiar names (Jerry Sternkorb, Gary Wickham) but I wasn’t mentioned. Small wonder, I wasn’t a member of the Pump House. For that matter, it wasn’t much of a gang. It was more an invention of Tom Wolfe’s journalistic imagination.
I was last on Wind an Sea beach one Sunday morning in 1995. Things had changed!! THERE WAS AN AA MEETING GOING ON!!!
Make that Fred Renn.
And 7436 Girard Avenue.
1967. Spring. Rakestraw decided to throw a hand grenade from the back seat of a cab Mocab was driving. 5600 block of La Jolla Blvd. Bird Rock. Even for those used to Rakestraw’s shenanigans, this was extreme. The windows of local businesses blew out. The police were summoned. It made the papers.
Jack was on hiatus in Mazatlan. Donnie, Ronny McConnahea, Fred Redd, Percy Turner. They had met a fellow named Downhill Dick, who was a Tator Tots driver from Idaho. Apparently, Downhill Dick had broken his leg 20 times, in various skiing accidents. He used to refer to himself as ‘my beautiful, unblemished body’…and laugh.
A clipping of Rakestraw and the hand grenade was sent south. Jack winced when he saw the latest press release on his roommate. The 7432 address was listed. Rakestraw was quoted as saying he found the hand grenade in the street. Uh sure thing.
By Fall 1967, 7432 Girard Street was no more. It was moving time. The city placed an orange sign on the front door, which read ‘This house is condemned’.
In it’s heyday, Jimmy Welch would be inside partying it up. His wife Raquel would stand out on the sidewalk and call him to come out. She said she wouldn’t set foot in Animal house West. Raquel Welch was a childhood friend of Jack’s beautiful first wife Dian, and loyalty prevailed.
To the end, the orange Girard Street Condemned Sign was an integral part of the Mac Meda Archives.
Note: Raquel Tejada Welch was in town last night. Still tearing em up. Book signing at Warwick’s, La Jolla. 70 years old come September. You’re still the one!!!
Kip! Great pics! Is there anyway you can send them to me? Thanks!