With the boats anchored together, and the Rough Water Swim on the way in the background, the locals start the official La Jolla Rough Water Drink that was held the 2nd week of September.
Dave Calaway’s (God rest his soul) boat, The Mary Ann, anchors Kip Ives’ (aka Pinky) skiff, The Woodi, who anchors a few more setting the stage in this local event that drew 1000s to this world-wide event (The Rough Water Swim)
Hundreds of Rough Drinkers are bouncing from boat to boat celebrating the end of summer. A few years later, the City of San Diego banned boats unless they were anchored way out, thus ending the locals traditional event.
Anyone remember what year the fiberglass chicken first made an appearance at the Drink and where it came from – Thanks
Oh, Lordy! — I remember the Drink! Whooh-Hooo! It was the time of my life. Soooo much fun! I would bring my surf board down and just paddle around from boat to boat to party. Of course, we were underage. Ha ha ha!
I remember some guys dressed up like indians, painted faces, feathers, loincloths, paddling on a barge with a water balloon launcher in the front of it held up by two poles. They had a giant cooler FULL of water balloons and trash can lids with swastikas (in bad taste indeed) painted on them. When they would target someone they’d all hold up the lids and paddle and go “Wooo! Woooo! Woooo! Wooooooh!” and then bomb the crap outta the target. GOOD TIMES!!!!
Love the ‘Mary Ann’ and David Calloway..
Love forever, Joanna
What happened to the RUFF DRINK?
My shirt became Holey, long gone to the rag factory. Most likely reincarnated as a Meda shirt somewhere.
Build a raft, load it “wif” (as ricky would say) Red Mountain and a Wale ride it into the Slides at sunset for a cocktail on the porch at the red rest. I shall have to find a pic of that carpeted, flagged, beauty. When is the next Convention? 450 cases of cheap wine beats 40 acres and a mule.