The City of San Diego Town Council adjourned it meeting on December 5, 2006 to honor the memory of Jack MacPherson.
Council members at the time who signed the document were Donna Frye, Scott Peters, Jim Madeffer, Brian Maienschein, Kevin Faulconer, Toni Atkins, Tony Young, Ben Hueson.
Donnie Frye is the wife of surfer Skip Frye who used to surf with Butch Van Artsdalen one the first WindanSea Surfers
We remember that little spat of how Maienschein and his council pals “deliberately concealed” from the public that the city was violating state law by overcharging residents for sewer costs to subsidize large commercial users. The probe also found him negligent for his role in approving grossly misleading bond documents in 2002 and 2003 .
… don’t you just love government, but Mac Meda thanks the city council for their kind thoughts …
Document provide by JK
One of the things best about knowing Jack…were the people he knew. You never knew who would walk through the front door. This happened Winter 1991.
In the late 40s, Jack’s parents had taken a cruise in the Caribbean…meeting a fabulous couple from Chicago…the Richheimers. They loved yachting. Their yachts were kept in a swimming pool, when not in use. The Macphersons extended an invitation to come to La Jolla for a visit.
A few years later, the Richheimers visited. Bringing their son, Skip.
40 years passed. One day, Jack called and said, “Remember that kid from Chicago? He called me up and wants to drop by,”. OK.
I was living at 1044 Sapphire and was watching a PBS special on the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley. There was a knock on the door. It was the kid from Chicao. He knew proceded to tell me that he had been one of the leaders of the FSM and gave me a blow by blow account of those historic days.
Of all the people I met … meeting a leader of the Free Speech Movement …was bizarre. Jack had politics this side of Attila the Hun…yet one of his childhood friends was Skip Richheimer. A great evening and a great friend!
Jack Macpherson’s mother-in-law, Nina Lee Birkett, passed away yesterday morning June 4, 2012…at 104 years young! He LOVED this woman…she had a dress shop in Bird Rock…Nina Lee…Rest in Peace Nina Lee…there’ll never be another you!
Dines Nelson